
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

DIY Backyard Makeover... part two

Finally finished!! 

Well, sorta... 
still adding little touches here and there... but the heavy hard work is finally finished! 

This is the continuation of our DIY backyard makeover...

In this post here... I took you through the journey of our back yard issues and our redo(s) along the way.

But finally... I can show you what our backyard looks like now...

It went from this...

To this...

 To this...

As you will see in the first post... 
we tore down our existing deck, added a new one, fixed a drainage problem, rearranged the portage stone... and added a fire pit.

Since then... we added a new tree line along with all creek rock, new paint and different railing on the deck, and a seating wall around the firepit.

We still have to add some more creek rock around the borders and do some planting and a few touch ups here and there... but overall... it is finished!!

Here are the rest of the photos for you to enjoy...

If you would like to see the before... Click here!

It's been alot of hard work and major back aches...LOL... but we did it!


We are looking forward to fall so we can sit around the fire with our family and friends!


  1. Stunning transformation! I So beautiful!! know it was a LOT of hard work, but oh the joy it will bring y'all for years to come!! So, s'mores by the firepit this Fall? I'm there!!

    1. Thanks Becky!! So sweet of you... I'll have the s'mores ready to go!!! :)

  2. Turned out so beautifully! It looks like a perfect spot to relax and enjoy company of family and friends.

    1. Hi Mindy...Thank You!! So glad it's over with!! LOL! But yes...Can't wait for cooler weather to really enjoy the whole thing!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Laurel... lots of hard work... but finally get to just enjoy!

  4. Wow! Looks really nice! I'm curious about how the portage stones are holding up though? I'm looking into purchasing some to use as front yard pathway.

    1. Hi Amanda! I've had the stones since 2008 and have moved them around several times... still holding up! I do think they may have faded some since we first got them... but I don't have a really good pic to compare and see. I occasionally pressure wash them if mildew builds up and they do great. They form a flower like pattern when you put them together... so if you want a straight edge on the sides you will have to use a concrete cutter to create that. Hope that helps!


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