
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Plans... Following My Dreams... Making it Happen!

Hey everyone!

I hadn't had time to get around to a "New Year Post"... but I do hope you all had a great start to 2015!

As a new year often brings reflection and new resolutions... I have been in the process of praying and figuring out new goals for  myself over the last few months!

I've made some personal commitments to myself but also some professional goals, as well!

To those who read this blog... you know I started Creative Ambitions many moons ago as a DIYer and have loved every minute of it!

But... as the years have passed... my love for painting art has sparked once again (not that it ever truly left... just put on hold I guess).
I realize that most of you are here for DIYness and not Art.  When I started CA... I had just been blown away from the recession and took a hit with successfully selling my art online... as most people did.  
So CA came from a place of new inspiration of DIY ideas... and it has been great!  Many friendships were made in blog land, in Facebook world, and Pinterest over these last few years.  I've had numerous blog features... including!  I've had so much fun with CA!  But... it was created for DIYness and I have decided to keep it DIY!

So with that in mind and moving forward... I am starting new sites and concentrating more on my art and opportunities that evolve around it.

Creative Ambitions will stay... at least for awhile... and I may end up just linking it to my art page.  I still plan to decorate my mantels and create DIY stuff and post here...

but I am planning on concentrating more on my Art for 2015! 

So far... I've created a new FB page under KJoyner Studios.
I joined Instagram as kendrajoyner with KJoyner Studios as my title.

I'm hoping that the 'Studios' part of the title will suggest "creative" in some way because I want to keep it broad enough to include all my creative abilities and talents in the future.

The name has been the hardest part for me.  So many choices and possibilities... but as I take business e-courses... the advice seems to be "use your name" in whatever you choose.

 Now... I need to get an official website (and to see what name is available)... still working on that one. 

But making it happen!!  Woot Woot!

just wanted to give all who are visiting my blog a heads up on my plans.  I will still be around on Creative Ambitions so if you need me... just holler!!

If you want to check out my art... you can scroll down the home page here at CA and find some.  I have some art photos on the Creative Ambitions Facebook page, as well! 

If you are interested in buying and are local to my area... I currently sell my art in a store called Memories on Market in Dayton, TN.
I hope to expand my art's availability as I grow! 

If you want to follow my artistic adventures... come over and like my new pages!  I would love for you to join me for some creative fun!

KJoyner Art at KJoyner Studios

Thanks Everyone!! 
~Follow your dreams... Make it Happen~


  1. Keep at it Kendra! Your work is very nice! Best of luck and God Bless! Best, Vicki

  2. Prayers for you as you follow this creative path! I love seeing people use their talents - it always seems like a two-fold blessing as you are blessed when you create and other's are blessed by what you create. Your work looks amazing and I am excited to see this, new to me, side of your creative side.

    1. Thank you so much Mindy!! I'm excited to try this art thing again... I use to sell online pre-recession and DIY blogging days. But this time I'm trying a new approach to it all! I've prayed about this for awhile and I believe that this is the direction to go right now! Thanks for always being so supportive and visiting my blog!!


Thank you for visiting Creative Ambitions! I love reading your comments... so please comment away!!
