
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Update: New Booth, New Fur Babies

This year has been a busy one!

Lots of new beginnings.

My blog has been dormant for awhile because I have been busy painting and selling!

KJoyner Art Booth

I moved into a new booth.


It’s been so fun planning for it, creating for it, and setting it up!

art booth

However, I have had no time to create something fun for my blog…

not even one of my seasonal mantels.  :(

I did get a recent feature over at for one of my Christmas Mantels!

Mantel 2012

  I always love receiving those emails!!

My Pinterest and Instagram continue to grow (thank you) but I honestly haven’t even posted to those in a long while!


I have been active on my Art Facebook page… so definitely come over and check it out if you want!  It is slowly growing and I appreciate everyone who has liked it and likes my work!

And last… but not least…

There were two new additions to the family this year!

mia collage

This is Mia… she came to us from the woods behind our house.

Art Buddy

Poor girl was emaciated and so hungry.  She ran to us desperately wanting food and wanting inside…

let’s just say… the rest is history!

And then…

there was a trip to PetSmart soon after where we met this one…

Chloe collage

We named her Chloe.

They are both young and keep us wildly entertained!


And what is even better… they are the best of friends!

Or should I say sisters?! Winking smile

So… lots of changes but all good!

I’m hoping to possibly set up an online shop for my paintings, I just haven’t figured out which site I want to use.

Other than that… the rest of the year will be about family and holiday activity!

And… maybe a new Christmas Mantel post?!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!






  1. Great new booth!! Love the new furry additions to your family - they look so sweet all cuddled up together in the chair!! Leave it to them to find the softest place to lay!!

    1. Thank you!! And yes they do... we love watching them play and sleep... they give us lots of reasons to take pics!! :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love the mantle,as for your furry girls I found my little female cat in a Kroger parking lot a year ago.She was dirty,cold and hungry.She screamed at anyone who would listen ,I listened...We saved each other.she is a hoot...

    1. So glad you listened! There are so many fur babies out there that need a good home!

  3. Love the mantle,as for your furry girls I found my little female cat in a Kroger parking lot a year ago.She was dirty,cold and hungry.She screamed at anyone who would listen ,I listened...We saved each other.she is a hoot...

  4. Beautiful! Where did u get ur actual christmas tree in the article - i luv it!

    1. Hi! It was a real tree bought at a local nursery. I don't remember what kind it was... I think Douglas and Frazier Fir are the common ones sold in my area. The photo was from a few years ago. Thanks!!

  5. Please update it more often. This topics is my interest.

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