
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Our “Artsy” Antique Booth at Deja U in Dayton, TN


So what is an artsy antique booth and where is Deja U… you might ask?

Deja U is an antique store in the quaint town of Dayton, TN.

My mother and I have decided to rent a booth there.

She has the antiques and I have… well… my artsy, creative “stuff”.

I hope to sell some of my creations/projects along with my paintings there… or at least try… while mom will sell her antiques and collectibles.

Let’s take a tour of the place… shall we?

First… I will start with the street we are on…


Here are some of the neighboring shops…

Dayton TN

Dayton is currently under a town renovation… I love small towns like this!

AND… I have to show you this truck across the street from Deja U…


“The Gentlemen Farmer… Fine Heritage Hogs” … Awesome!  :)

That’s a new auction house behind it.


so now… onto DEJA U.


It’s a small antique store in the heart of town.

Here are some of the other booths inside the store…

Deja U Booths

Cute stuff!!

Now I felt our booth needed a little rusty bling…

Here are some before shots….

IMG_2375  IMG_2377IMG_2376

The walls were painted yellow and it had some old wall paper on the back wall.

I painted it all a cream color.

I knew I wanted to add my Pallet Bench and Farm Table Bench for display as well as a rusty awning or two.

Thankfully it rained the weekend after painting and I was able to get a decent weathered look on my sheets of metal I bought at Lowes… same process I used to rust my kitchen awning.

Here is the booth now…


It’s not very full because mom’s stuff keeps selling… but… that’s a GOOD thing!! Smile

antique booth

My wall…  my little painting “gallery wall” is below….

gallery wall booth

I hope to get some more paintings and creations in there… not sure if it is a good place to try and sell them but it can’t hurt to try… right?

gallery wall antique booth

I love the look of the awnings and the benches together… especially with the windows and valances.

We have a great space here in Dayton, TN


if you are ever in town… stop in Deja U and say hello and tell them I sent you!  The folks there are very friendly!!

Dayton’s Strawberry Festival is this weekend… it’s a HUGE festival and draws thousands of people!

Hoping to get some good strawberry shortcake… or something strawberry this weekend!  Smile


  1. Yay Kendra - so excited for you! Your booth is off to a great start - your sweet sunny artwork is lovely and cheery! It never hurts to try to move merchandise in a variety of ways - it may be a bit of trial and error as you get going, but I'm sure you will do well! Just a might try to draw attention to your work by lending a piece or two to a local eatery or other non-competing space with your card/location - think of as many ways to get as many eyes on your work as possible...

    I'm excited for you and your mom - my mom and I worked together on our booth back in the day and we had a blast together - enjoy!!

    1. Thank you Becky!!! I need all the advice I can get! Right now I am up there every few days bringing in new stuff/adding and rearranging... mom's is selling quickly... I love it... such a blessing!! But it is very empty looking... I haven't had much time to paint and create but I hope to get to a slowing down point where I can. I haven't made any cards yet... BUT it's on my list!! Thanks so much for the encouragement and advice!! :)

  2. I LOVE Becky's idea about your artwork! YOU GO GIRL!!! This booth is wonderful! I LOVE your flower pot paintings! They're perfect for the kitchen! Have a great time at the festival! I'll be thinking about you and your mom!



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