
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Our Sweet Husky, Neeko


The last three months have been a whirlwind for me.

My fur-baby, Neeko, became very ill.

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As some of you know… Neeko was our last fur-baby of three and he got sick back in November.  We had WEEKLY visits to the vet for two and a half months… but never could find out what was wrong… so we assume some type of cancer or autoimmune disease made him sick.

Neeko husky

He would recover and then get sick, recover and then get sick and then recover.

We had such high hopes he would pull through it all.

Sadly, he had a setback in February that he just could not recover from.

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My heart hurts as I write this… it’s still so fresh… so new to us that he is gone.   Neeko brought SO MUCH LOVE and JOY into our home.  He was such a great, fun loving dog. 

  We soooo miss his company.  We are dealing with that “empty house” syndrome right now.  Still reeling around the fact that he is actually gone. 

He was such a good companion for us… a PERFECT MATCH for us.

Ray and Neeko

He BLESSED our life greatly!

So many GOOD memories!

Neeko Tribute

 We miss and love you sweet Neeko!




  1. I am so sorry for your loss. We are on our second husky now and I absolutely love the breed! Praying for you and your family through this hard time! Blessings!!

    1. Thank you so much Cathy... they are such a special breed! We would definitely have one again... just not sure if we can go through that loss again... *sigh* hard.

  2. So Sorry for your loss. What a beautiful Husky. Sending Prayers your way!

  3. I am so sorry your beautiful, sweet baby Neeko has left you. Our fur babies mean as much to us (almost) as our human babies. My prayers are with you and your husband as you struggle through this difficult time. Nothing like their unconditional love.

    1. Thank you so much... yes... he was our big baby boy... we let all three of our fur babies become a huge part of our lives and Neeko was the last one of the three... was hoping to have at least 2 to 3 more years with him :( well... we are "mushing" through our pain right now... it will take some time for sure! Thank you!!


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