I was driving out of my friend’s driveway one day and noticed this sticking up out of her garbage can.
It was METAL and RUSTY…
a gate to the back of a trailer…
((SIGH)) LOVE at first sight!
Yes… I was hooked!
I called her on the cell and asked if I could take this “beaut”…
She said YES!!!
(I guess it was fate that Funky Junk Interiors was having a gate theme this weekend!)
Well, I got it home and knew right away what I wanted to do with it.
I painted and distressed it because I’m thinking… white room!
If you read my posts you’ll know I’m turning my screened deck into a “white room”… well… ivory room (if the weather would cooperate).
Now what??
Don’t worry… I already knew!
You see… many years ago I was given a set of these…
They came from an old job I use to have many years ago.
I think they may have been part of an old fence at one time… maybe?? I don’t know.
Well, nonetheless, I like them!!
I never could figure out what to do with them though… so I stored them away and they have moved with me several times in my life.
However, NOW… oh yes… I discovered a great place to use these…
On my trailer gate!
I went to work right away trying to figure out how in the world to attach these babies!
I have some JB Welding glue, but I have never used it.
Has anyone ever used that stuff???
Well… I chickened out and decided to go with wire after I painted them.
I may try the glue later… I don’t know?
OK, got it finished and hung it up and….
You couldn’t see it!! MAN!!
Not good! I had to fix that!
So then I came up with this brilliant idea that I could cut stained glass pieces and put them on the back!
The light could shine through it and WOW!
Well… I quickly found out that cutting glass is harder than it looks and I broke my first piece in half… ((sniff sniff))!
Now what??
Hmmm… scrapbook paper with foam core backing???
(Actually… I will probably need to change it to a metal sheet backing because of rain)
Not bad…
MMMmmm… even better?? A little color punch??
I like!!

The coolest thing is… my friend called me yesterday and asked me if I wanted ANOTHER trailer gate JUST LIKE this one!
I said… “YES! OH MY! WOOHOO!”
Now I have two!! :)
I may still check in to the whole stain glass thing but until then…
Which one do you like best?
I’d love to hear what cha think!!
Thanks for Stoppin’ By!
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