Thursday, April 4, 2013

DIY French Country Cottage Kitchen Art Decor


Since I’ve been on an art kick lately…

I wanted to show you some kitchen art I recently made.

I had to go thrifting ((fun)) for this one… buying cooking utensils for it.

So… note…

if you plan on throwing out your used kitchen utensils… think twice!!

You might can use them for kitchen art!  :)

Ok… Let’s begin…

This is how I started…


After finding and gathering a bunch of kitchen goodies,

Mixed Media Kitchen Art

(the before)

I played around with the configuration and composition

again and again and again…

(even took photos to help me remember where I placed things…ahem)

and finally came up with a basic pattern…

but I decided to change my surface to wood…



I cut up some 1x2’s I already had, lined them up and glued on some scrap wood strips to the back of them to hold it together.


I had looked for recipes and menu’s online… printed a few things off and glued them to the surface of the wood.

Kitchen Art

(another before)

I have an inkjet printer so I used cardstock and made sure the ink was dry… you may still get a little ink bleed… but I didn’t mind it too much.

I also painted a few pieces and used some wood embellishments.


I finally came up with my “final” layout (changed it some as I started gluing).  And then I just glued all my thrift store finds down.

Mixed Media Kitchen Art

This is the final art piece…

French Country Cottage Kitchen Art

I think it looks rather French Country Cottage.

Kitchen Mixed Media Art

This art is rather heavy… so if you want a lighter piece… use lighter wood… I just used what I had!

I had so much fun creating this mixed media kitchen art (restaurant art as my friend Kolein coined it).

It would look perfect in a little French Café… don’t cha think?!  :)


Monday, April 1, 2013

Sharing My Art… embracing all my creative ambitions


About a month or so ago I got into a creative zone

(image: Graphics Fairy)

yes… I am still being creatively ambitious!

Let’s see… decorating my spring mantel, painting, sewing, and crafting…

(Graphics Fairy)


I’m TOTALLY (((embracing))) the name of my blog these days…


And thanks to some e-courses from Jeanne Oliver,

I am inspired and motivated to keep creating and following my dreams!


I want to share with you some more of my mixed media art I have been creating…

***can we say nervous butterflies right now??***

This is a series of GIRL paintings I just finished.

Faith, Grace, and Hope

Kjoyner Art Mixed Media Girl Paintings

These are 16x20 canvases… acrylic paint and texture… with paper, wood and fabric embellishments.

They all have writings on them… some taken from scripture.

Under each window is an old hymn based on their names.

And here is another painting I am working on…

Inspire Butterfly Mixed Media Painting

This is ‘Inspire’

A 6x6 canvas, acrylic paint with wood embellishment.

Butterfly Mixed Media Art


I am so enjoying painting right now… and using different media to create these pieces!

Thank you for letting me share them with you!

I know my blog has been more about my adventures in DIY creations…

but I really want Creative Ambitions to be about all my creative ambitions… to inspire not just a certain group of friends but many!

I am also thinking about selling my paintings/art again…

I already have an empty blog for them and an empty etsy site from long ago

but for right now… I am trying to explore all my gifts!

Finding the ones that fit and the ones that don’t.

and while I wait for the right time for me to start selling my creations…

I ask, seek and knock…

and then

***practice, practice, practice!!***