My little buddy Smokey got really sick two weeks ago.

He had been diagnosed with kidney disease a few years back.
And two weeks ago… he took a turn for the worse.

However, we did have hope because we started giving him fluids and he responded well. Started eating, started walking around, even purring again within two days!

The hard part was… we had to go out of town about three days into his recovery.
So on a Friday morning… we checked him into boarding at the vet, kissed him goodbye and left for our trip with high hopes!

We were about hour and a half into our trip at this point.
And then… the phone call came.
Smokey had some light labored breathing and I had left permission to do a chest x-ray.
And so they did.

Smokey ended up having a tumor in his lung and the lung itself it was filling up with fluid at the same time.
We had been giving him fluids for a couple of days.

My husband (who’s a nurse) said it was like getting pneumonia.
So with kidney disease and a tumor and fluid on his lung… it was just too much for my little fur baby and we had to make that dreaded decision.
We turned the car around, went back to the vet and said our goodbyes.
Oh… It was so hard!! One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do!
But, as hard as it was… I know it was the right thing to do.
I didn’t want him to be in pain.

I don’t have any children of my own… so I do tend to put a lot of my energy into my fur babies.
I am missing him today… it’s actually the first week back from vacation…we left (very sad) for vacation… after we brought him home that day.
Vacation was the best thing for me in dealing with it all and since I’ve been back, I‘ve had a lot going on with trees being cut down and so forth… keeping my mind busy.
But I do miss him… more than my heart can express.
He was the sweetest cat… he would let anybody love on him. You could pick him up and sling him over your shoulder and he would be so content.

He was so perfect for us… brought so much joy and lots of love to us.
He was my little buddy…
when he wasn’t outside playing or taking his cat naps on the porch… he was by my side… following me or sitting in my lap… especially at the computer. Always slept by my feet at night and then woke me up every morning by kneading my pillow, purring loudly and sweetly butting my head and hand with his head.
Smokey was so SWEET.
And I’m so thankful he was one of my fur babies.
Missing him dearly.